Protein Sequencing Protocols -- (1) (2)


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Background: Protein sequencing denotes the process of finding the primary structure, the amino acid composition, of a protein. Sequencing plays a very vital role in Proteomics as the information obtained can be used to deduce function, structure, and location which in turn aids in identifying new or novel proteins as well as understanding of cellular processes. Better understanding of these processes allows for creation of drugs that target specific metabolic pathways among other things. Though several methods exist to sequence proteins the two dominant methods are Mass Spectrometry and Edman Degradation. Other methods that are not as frequently used still can serve very specific roles, such as overcoming inadequacies or acting as a preliminary, that compliment the two predominant methods.




1 History

2 Sequencing Methods

2.1 N-terminal Residue Identification

2.2 Edman Degradation

2.3 Mass Spectrometry

2.3.1 Peptide Mass Fingerprinting

2.3.2 Tandem Mass Spectrometry

3 Citations


Other Protein Sequencing Protocols


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N-terminal protein sequencing

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Microfluidic Protein Sequencing

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De Novo Peptide Sequencing, Table of Contents

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Web Guider

Ch 1.General Lab Techniques

Ch 2.Molecular Separation

Ch 3.DNA and RNA

Ch 4.Genetics

Ch 5.PCR Serials

Ch 6.Protein

Ch 7.DNA Protein Interactions

Ch 8.Immunohistoch / immunology

Ch 9.Cellular Biology

Ch 10.GC/MS, NMR and Proteomics

Ch 11.Animal Experiments

Ch 12.Worm: C. Elegans

Ch 13.HPLC and TLC

Ch 14.Buffers formats in Lab.

Ch 15.Other Resources

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