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Glucose and Insulin Tolerance Tests   (1)   (2)


glucose tolerance test protocol


Fast the Animals

Remove food from the animal cages the night before experiments (aim for 16 hours fasting)


Supplies Needed

Animal restrainers, check if they are appropriate for the size of animal.

Glucose (50%) 0.2gm/100gm body weight.

IV cannula (22-26 gauge).

Small butterflies.

Warm water bath.

Plastic, clear tape.


Normal saline for flush (sterile).

1 ml tuberculin syringes.

Blood collection tubes.

Glucometer and strips.

Alcohol swab.

2x2 gauze.

Filter paper.


Excel worksheet to record date, animal group, weight, dose of glucose, volume , time and route given. Glucose reading at 0 min, 15 min, 30 min, 60 min, 120 min, and 180 min.

Glucose to be given (0.2gm/100gm body weight)



Weigh animal and place in the restrainer.

Warm tail by placing in luke warm water.

Place and secure tail vein catheter, flush via T-connector.

Give glucose intraperitoneal (IP).

After 15 minutes take 0 minute blood sample for glucose and insulin investigation via tail.

Take blood samples at 15, 30, 60, 120, and 180 minutes.

Remove IV cannula and press to stop bleeding.


Other glucose and insulin tolerance test protocols

Glucose Tolerance Test Protocol (Kellylab)

Glucose tolerance test and protocol - The Jackson Laboratory

Glucose tolerance test and fasting insulin test protocol (Whitelabs)

Glucose tolerance test (Yan Lab)

Simplified Intraperitoneal Glucose Tolerance Test Procedure

Program & Diabetes Research (Insulin Tolerance Test)

Insulin tolerance test and random fed insulin test protocol (Whitelabs)

Glucose tolerance Test (GTT) (macdougald Research Lab)

Insulin Tolerance Test Protocol (Kellylab)

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